xPlenty linked withdrawal fees

Withdrawal fee for all farms that’s calculated on your tvl / xplenty ratio.

Worked examples:

Max withdrawal fee 2.5% on a sliding scale down to 0%

  • $400 tvl in farms / $400 xplenty balance = 100% discount = 0% withdrawal fee

  • $400 tvl in farms / $300 xplenty balance = 75% discount = 0.625% withdrawal fee

  • $400 tvl in farms / $200 xplenty balance = 50% discount = 1.25% withdrawal fee

  • $400 tvl in farms / $100 xplenty balance = 25% discount = 1.875% withdrawal fee

  • $400 tvl in farms / $0 xplenty balance = 0% discount = 2.5% withdrawal fee


  • Fees generated could buyback and burn plenty
  • Give a further incentive to hold plenty / xplenty.
  • Fees aren’t too prohibitive for non-xplenty holders

Seen this idea floated on a couple of other Topics and thought it was a great idea and (hopefully) worthy of its own Topic.


Love this! This is giving xPlenty utility beyond governance and would seem very reasonable. What are your thoughts on tying xPlenty to rewards? Nexo deploys this strategy and I think there is some merit to it.